Sunday, September 18, 2011

Painter to rest himself with paintings

Wanting to produce unique works of art, these artists on top of him with the painting canvases.

Ghost in Painting

Painters Tisna Sanjaya managed to describe the ghost is residing in a river, in Cigondewah, Bandung, West Java.

Pelukis Tisna Sanjaya berhasil menggambarkan hantu sedang bersemayam di sebuah sungai, di Cigondewah, Bandung, Jawa Barat.

Modified cars.

This car is modified. It seems so unique and adorable.

Costly in the rim

This car is full of modifications. From the start the body to the interior accessories. If for the cultivation of the body typically includes bumper, wide body, body kit installation, and replacement rim. In addition we also accept the installation of air suspension. Costly in the rim. But it also depends, if you want to use the yes life is good from Japan.

(Mobil ini full hasil modifikasi. Dari mulai bodi hingga aksesoris interior. Kalau untuk bodi biasanya meliputi penggarapan bemper, wide body, pemasangan body kit, dan penggantian pelek. Selain itu kita juga menerima pemasangan air suspension. Yang mahal itu di pelek. Tapi itu juga tergantung, kalau mau pakai yang
bagus ya pakai yang dari Jepang).

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The most unique and the most antique car's in the World (Mobil paling unik dan paling antik di dunia)

This unique and antique cars the most unique and most ancient on earth. This new form of car design that was designed by renowned Indonesian artist Heri Dono. The design of this car ever exhibited at the Museum Yogyakarta, on 15 July to 2 August 2009.

Inilah mobil unik dan antik yang paling unik dan paling antik di muka bumi. Ini mobil baru berupa rancangan yang dirancang oleh pelukis Indonesia terkenal Heri Dono. Rancangan mobil ini pernah dipamerkan di Jogja Museum, pada 15 Juli hingga 2 Agustus 2009.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Most Expensive painting (Lukisan Termahal Tahun Ini)

This is the most expensive painting, because it is too expensive, difficult to sell, and therefore, might as well not be sold. But it may be exchanged for the island of Bali, or the head of one of the former President of the United States.
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